Team 1 - User Testing
Back from a weekend of working our concept into an interactive smart glass map above a tactile model which involved testing how the interactive glass would look in after effects.

We began today by going out into the wild to user test our interactive air quality map with members of the public to gauge their reaction and see what features they would like included or removed.
This process was very helpful and gave us tones of useful feedback and insights about the product.

The public seemed very enthusiastic and yet once brought back to the drawing board we had a good hard look at the concept and felt that it was drifting from the brief of raising awareness of air quality as the more features we added we found the impact of it's air quality capabilities were drifting into the background somewhat.
We called a meeting with our peers in the class in the afternoon to consult them about our fears surrounding our concept. Following a long and helpful conservation, we have decided to change our concept to bring it back more in line with the brief while retaining the core idea of providing air quality data for Dublin bike users in a way that would make the data more meaningful to them.
This will take the form of an app that will allow the user to choose the quickest or the AQ beneficial route to their destination which will then link into the bike as previously with a handlebar light display guiding them to their destination based on the decision they made when picking their route with the app. We look forward to bringing this concept through to our final presentation and doing the large amount of work that has gone into this brief justice.