Joining The Data

A class blog documenting our college project.

Team 1: Lazer Cutting the Physical Map

By 10:38 ,

After careful decision making and in-depth discussion, our team came to the conclusion that the mobile application that we hoped to accompany the physical map unit was an unnecessary component and came with an added danger for road users (having to look at their mobile phone while in transit).

It was more logical to have the navigation somehow incorporated into the bikes themselves for a seamless indicator tool.  The physical map unit will exist in the vicinity of the Dublin Bike station, but will act as an offered add-on to taking out a bike. A fun and engaging map, that is also informative. Each large button for the bike stations on the map will be numbered. The user approaches the map and plots the route from current station to station 'A', the user is given the option of a cleaner healthier route (GREEN) or a the quickest route (RED), depending on their demands. These routes are determined by EPA reads gathered from the monitoring stations which are carefully positioned throughout the city for an accurate and updated estimation of the air condition. The number for station 'A' is noted as the user goes to take out the bike. The cyclist has the choice to enter the number on the dashboard of the bicycle and press the red button for fastest route or green route for the cleanest. Once the action is complete the indicator lights on the bike are programmed for the journey and the cyclists takes off.......

Decided upon our  aims for the deliverable, we sourced material and began spending some time in the workshop. The final prototype for the physical public map we have chosen to realise in MDF fitted with working LED path ways and a vacuum formed plastic keyboard and buttons. The map of Dublin went through a rigorous process of vectorising and tidying in Adobe Illustrator prior to lazer cutting, to give a tactile and more engaging artefact we decide to build a 3D architectural map by layering 3.2mm MDF sheets to create a depth.

It was a time demanding process, with some trial and error to accomplish a clean cut through the board. While this was taking place we settled upon the programming of the LED routes. We worked out the needs for the circuit to operate using Arduino UNO electronic components...... Let the build begin