Joining The Data

A class blog documenting our college project.


By 13:36

Today we started a new project called Joining the Data. In this project we are partnered with Intel Ireland and the Environmental Protection Agency, to explore the issues and opportunities surrounding air quality.

We started the day off by being introduced to our partners and we got to visit a local air monitoring station. Here we learned a little about how once the air is extracted, it goes through certain machines to test for certain chemicals and data is collected. Then this data is either sent automatically to the EPA or else a member of staff has to connect a laptop to a machine in order to get the data. We got some great insights into how the system works which we can build on with research.

The rest of the day Intel and the EPA told us more about what they did and familiarised themselves with us. Afterwards we got together as a class and started discussing initial tasks and setting ourselves up with a timetable for the week.