'In the Wild' Interviews & Preparing for Friday
On Tuesday we broke off into groups of 2, forming 5 groups to go out interview the public. Before we went out into the wild, the class researched some people or locations that we wanted to target in order to cover a quite wide demographic. That is, we wanted to include expecting mothers to families with young kids who would be most vulnerable to air pollution, cyclists who would be outside a lot, people inside inner Dublin City and people in the outer parts of Dublin, rural Ireland (for which a trip is scheduled on another day) and also professionals within the air quality areas, to name a few.
Majority of the day was spent 'out in the wild' where everyone got a lot of really good insightful interviews. The reason behind these interviews is that we wanted to find out what the public know about air pollution, if anything, whether it affects them or someone they know, would they do anything to help improve the air quality if they knew it affected their health etc.
Myself and Billy came across some people who knew nothing about this problem and we also came across people who knew a lot, some having grown up before the Smoky Coal Ban in Dublin. Along with the rest of the class we got great insights that would help us develop the personas. It's also very helpful for our project to know what the public's thoughts are.. it might end up being something that they might want to or maybe not want to use.
Altogether we managed to interview over 50 people within Dublin.
The second part of the 'in the wild' research is going to Enniscorthy. Half the class are talking a trip down there where a meeting is planned with Patrick from the EPA. They will also get a chance to speak to some of the locals so we would get an insight from people in rural Ireland, and what their thoughts are about air quality in Ireland.
The half that stayed in Dublin did some more user interviews, interviewed Martin Fitzgerald and Barbara O'Leary from the Dublin City Council, started working on the presentation for Friday and also started getting the studio ready for the visit.
The half that stayed in Dublin did some more user interviews, interviewed Martin Fitzgerald and Barbara O'Leary from the Dublin City Council, started working on the presentation for Friday and also started getting the studio ready for the visit.