Joining The Data

A class blog documenting our college project.

Team 3 Friday Prototypes, Meetings and User Testing

By 15:51 ,

On Friday morning we began early building a new form prototype in the studio. We tried to incorporate the feedback we had received from the clients from the previous week and our tutors during the current week. We developed  a low fidelity prototype shown below.

In addition to this, we also began to start considering some of the wireframes for the user journey we had suggested for the interaction points of Airen. At this point we were primarily concerned with the wire frames for mobile as this was our main point of interaction with the physical object. 

The ideation behind the microsite we suggested is that it would provide an online interactive experience for users who could not physically engage with the tree. Users would be able to interact with the tree by choosing different locations to check the data along with finding out more information about each pollutant the EPA is currently testing for and what those pollutants mean to the general public. 

IN the afternoon we led a peer-feedback and user testing session with our peers. We asked them to critically analyse our overall service through each suggested touchpoint. We found this really helpful as they had great feedback for us and some really interesting points which we then iterated into our design where possible before heading out to user test.

Our user testing we went very well that afternoon. We headed out around the campus and nearby Dublin 8 to get some feedback on the prototype. We got some really nice feedback surrounding the product.

Some of the feedback we received included:

It was perceived it to be about about pollution
People said they would engage with the tree if they were to see it
Suggestions included placing it in a public space, especially around high commercial areas
Users would engage in online aspect if they were receiving something for free
Users stated it needed to have a balance of fun and putting the relevant information across
Users suggested the form was interesting but needed to be a little more abstracted and appealing