One of the areas as a group we decided to look at were products currently in the market, campaigns or different conceptual approaches to air pollution. The hope was to create inspiration boards that could be used to trigger ideas or use as discussion points in the class. The result was a wide range of approaches.
Artist interpretation

Sooner Or Later It All Comes Down’ by Via Grafik How Artists Are Fighting Air Pollution in Beijing chiu chih's survival kit for the ever-changing planet
The above images are thought provoking and visualised what is sometimes unseen. They are highly emotive and perhaps steps into the realm of speculative design. It was a good starting point for our inspiration board.
Community Involvement

A Pollution-Tracking Kite in Beijing
This project was really interesting, involving the community and taping into an interested group. Using kites with sensors to track air quality they developed a plan that could be rolled out to out to other interested kite clubs.
Citizen Science

The AirCasting is an open source for collecting and displaying health and environmental data to help citizen scientists and other interested parties. This one of the first projects we found that brought sensors to the public. This concept is a move from the static stations that collect data (check out Yana's blog to learn more) to a more agile approach of collecting data.

Pigeon patrol takes flight to tackle London's air pollution crisis
Sensors also went mobile with the help from pigeons. Dubbed the "Air Pigeon Patrol" the birds were released across London with GPS an pollution sensors strapped to their backs. It made the invisible visble and raised public awareness on teh subject. The results showed high and moderate levels of pollution across the city.
These are just some of the areas we looked to for inspiration. There are so many interesting projects and responses to this topic and can't wait to see our solution.