Team 3: Final Crit Wednesday
Today we aimed to finalise a concept as we had been having a difficult time getting to this point to date. Some of the difficulties we had be encountering to date was bringing to many elements in. So, as mentioned from the last post we were now aiming to focus solely on bringing awareness of the data to the public on behalf of the EPA. Above is an initial prototype we developed
The final concept we reached for Crit is shown below. Airen involves a number of different touch-points within the system. However, The main focal point would incorporate a physical data display somewhat similar to the below image titled Airen which would work as part of a larger eco-system.
There are a number of touch-points involved in the overall system including a social media element, a new website element, the display itself. The touch-points are explained in detail in the image below:
We developed a detailed Stakeholder map to do with our concept:
During the development of this concept we were sure to keep to our research findings and tied our developments back to our persona's. There were two of the personas that were of particular interest to us;
Claire C: Asthma sufferer and Health Conscious
Michael & Mary: Little Air Quality Knowledge
We aimed to design for the personas at two ends of the spectrum. Shown below are some of the insights we used from these personas:
Finally, we conceptualised some ideas of branding and wire frames to show the system branding working across the overall system shown below:
We presented these concepts to our peers and tutors for our final crit. Some of the feedback we received from our tutors included reviewing the form and scale of the physical element. We also received some feedback regarding the logo and how we may hook potential users into the social media engagement. Tomorrow we will aim to finalise and take onboard the feedback we received.