Joining The Data

A class blog documenting our college project.

Research Presentation

By 16:30 , ,

Our week and a half of research culminated in a 2 hour presentation on Friday morning. This presentation was delivered to five industry members connected to the project, with representative from Dublin City Council, Intel and the Environmental Protection Agency present. Over the week leading up to this presentation, areas of discussion had been divided between the team and the room was prepared to showcase all the work we had completed up until this point. 

The running order and speakers were decided on between the class and a breakout activity was organised for the end of the presentation. For the breakout activity it was decided that we would discuss our key insights that had been gathered up until that point and conduct a SWOT analysis with industry members, in order to gain valuable feedback on our themes and insights and to identify areas we may have overlooked previously. 

The presentation ran smoothly and we feel that the large volume of work we completed over the initial research phase was highlighted and properly presented to our clients. Thankfully the SWOT analysis conducted as part of our breakout session ran smoothly and allowed us to gather some extremely rich feedback on our five themes. It became clear to us while conducting this exercise which themes has more potential in relation to our brief. 

This presentation as a whole allowed us to receive massively helpful feedback related to all the work we had completed and the direction we were taking with our themes and insights. We will be coming together again on Monday morning to unpack all the feedback received throughout this presentation and to begin working on initial concepts.