Joining The Data

A class blog documenting our college project.

Team 2: Air Kits

By 20:19 ,

Louise started drawing out and thinking about the contents of the 3 air packs. Things she considered were how they tie into the primary school 5th and 6th class curriculum, the learning outcomes of the activities within the packs, what the activities are themselves, what the teacher pack contains and what skills the students would develop after completing each pack.

Some companies that have had success implementing similar ideas into schools across the country, that we looked into are Food Dude, Innocent Smoothies and We got a really good idea how to structure our company and who would fund it, basically going through the design blueprint and company bio.

Afterwards we looked at the packs in more detail and made a decision to focus on the first pack and the main activity of the second and third packs. We were then able to make some prototypes of what the contents of that pack might look like, the boxes that they came in etc.

Student pack

Teacher pack
We then started to research kit packaging to get an idea of how our kits might look like. We got some great inspiration on Pinterest as well as other companies who did similar things. Packaging is still a work in progress.

Alongside the packaging, Joe was looking into the brand side of things. By the end of the day we all liked the idea of creating a little character that the children can refer to and we named our product Eek. Details are still to be gone over but thats all I can say for now :)