Health Research
Health Research
We took a deep dive approach to the research phase of this project brief. Having explored the physical collection methods of data collection, myself and Yana undertook an exploration of the effects of poor air quality and the correlation between that and the negative impacts on health.
We aimed to investigate a number of different areas surrounding health.
Yana began by looking at a timeline in relation to the types of pollutants we were primarily exposed to throughout the years. This lead further into the types of pollution we are now exposed to and where on our daily routine. The piece (shown below) also showed the physical health impacts and who the most vulnerable exposed people. The piece also looks at the effects of indoor pollution and how lethal some indoor pollutants can be when compared with ambient air quality.
In addition to this, Yana also looked at some inspirational posts from throughout the years in relation to emotive responses relating to health and air pollution. The intention of this was to show and trigger negative health effects and awareness to the public. I have included some examples of these posts below.
In addition to this, Billy looked at the physical effects on health and how the different pollutants affect different parts of the body. Billy also looked at what the physical conditions associated with Air Pollution are in terms of their severity and who the vulnerable population are. Billy used some infographics and representations of data to visually represent the health impacts.
Finally, Billy examined the World Health Organisation guidelines from the Global Health Observatory. The document presented some interesting insights into preventative measures including. The health Impacts and the areas to target for impacting change.