Team 2: EEK Kit Contents
Pack 1:
Pack 1, the first pack that the students receive, includes activities and fun experiments that eases and slowly introduces the students to Air Quality. This is the pack that we decided to concentrate on and develop the most. Along with all the packs comes a website that the students can log their activities and collections to share with their parents and the rest of the community. This pack contains:
- Catching Air Activity: vaseline and card (main activity) where the students spread some vaseline on the card and hang it outside in various locations around the school/ home. After a few days they inspect the cards for particulate matter they may have collected.
- Paper Pinwheel Activity: paper pinwheel with its arm and leg that need to be assembled. This helps understand air by making it visible.
- Lichen Spray
- Data Paint: visualising data by using paint. Introduction to data.
- Instruction Cards: each pack contains instruction cards that the students will use as a step-by-step guide for the activities.
Pack 1 |
Pack 2:
I won't go into a lot of detail in this pack or the third pack. The main activity in the second pack are the NOx Air Quality Monitoring tubes that the students can leave around the school/ home to collect NOx samples. This will lead to a brief introduction about the EPA and also an opportunity to start mapping the area for the rest of the community to see. Other activities that might be included would link to the previous pack, for example, documentation of the growing lichen.
Pack 2 |
Pack 3:
The third pack is the final pack, received during the third school term after having completed the previous two. This is a more advanced pack and it contains sensors that the students can use at school/ home to collect data. This will be further linked into the EPA and data collection. It carries on previous activities by making them more advanced.
Pack 3 |
After finishing the 3 packs, after getting feedback from teachers, we decided to not have a reward system. The teachers that we spoke to already had their own reward systems within the class/ school. We are considering various end-of-year exhibitions, showcasing student's work, individual certificates that the students might get and some prizes given out on Sport's Day for best project etc.